Imperial Guard finds white crossbelts
[From Russkii Invalid, 18 June 1855, No. 133, page
(Reprinted from Journal de
St-Peterbourg) The newspaper L'etoile Belge reports from Paris
from 19/7 June the following: There is nothing new from the Crimea
except one rather interesting fact. Many French guardsmen saw that thanks
to the white belts of their new uniform, so striking to the eye among the
dark coats and black belts of the rest of the infantry, they were the main
target for Russian bullets. They thought it best to take off the belts and
make crossbelts of plain straps or string, upon which they cleverly hang
their sword and cartridge pouch. This serves as new evidence that the old
uniform of the French Guards, resurrected so unexpectedly, is not only odd
to the eye, but unsuitable for troops.
Translated by Mark Conrad, 2002.