Petition for Russian Citizenship by a French Subject in Odessa. 


(From Russkii Invalid, 8 May 1854, No. 104, which was reprinting material from the Sanktpeterburgskiya Vedomosti (n.d.). Translated by Mark Conrad, 2002.)


ODESSA. The attack carried out in sight of Odessa by steamships of the Anglo-French squadron, out of range of our batteries, upon peaceful coastal boats and other merchant ships aroused general indignation among all the inhabitants who witnessed these deeds.


As an example of the universal feeling that prevails even among the foreigners living in Odessa, the Commander of the 3rd Infantry Corps forwarded a petition delivered to him from a French subject, Rigo, and his wife, a British subject, who having been witnesses of such, in their expression, cowardly and shameful acts by the French and British, were so alienated that they could no longer remain citizens of France and England. They asked to be allowed to take an oath of allegiance to Russia, which has already been permitted by decision of General-Adjutant Baron Osten-Saken [commander, 3rd Infantry Corps].