[From The Times, Monday, November 13, 1854.]
Camp Battery No. 4, Balaklava, Oct. 27.
Sir,-I have the honor to inform you that on the morning the 25th inst., about 7 o'clock, the Russian force which has been, as I already reported, for sometime among the hills on our right front, debouched into the open ground in front of the redoubts Nos. 1, 2, and 3, which were occupied by Turkish infantry and artillery and were armed with 7 12-pounders (iron). The enemy's forces consisted of the 18 or 19 battalions of infantry, from 30 to 40 guns, and a large body of cavalry. They attack was made against No. 1 redoubt by a cloud of skirmishers, supported by 8 battalions of infantry and 16 guns. The Turkish troops in No. 1 persisted as long as they could, and then retired, and they suffered considerable loss in their retreat. The attack was followed by the successive abandonment of Nos. 2, 3, and 4 redoubts by the Turks, as well as of the other posts held by them in our front. The guns, however, in Nos. 2, 3, and 4 were spiked. The garrisons of these redoubts retired, and some of them formed on the right, and some on the left flank of the 93d Highlanders, which was posted in front of No. 4 battery and the village of Kadikoi. When the enemy had taken possession of these redoubts, their artillery advanced with a large mass of cavalry, and their guns ranged to the 93d Highlanders, which, with 100 invalids under Lieutenant-Colonel Daveney in support, occupied very insufficiently, from the smallness of their numbers, the slightly-rising ground in front of No. 4 battery. As I found that round shot and shell began to cause some casualties among the 93d Highlanders and the Turkish Battalions on their right and left flank, I made them retire a few paces behind the crest of the hill. During this period our batteries on the hills, manned by the Royal Marine Artillery and the Royal Marines, made most excellent practice on the enemy's cavalry, which came over the hill ground in front. One body of them, amounting to about 400 men, turned to their left, separating themselves from those who attacked Lord Lucan's Division, and charged the 93d Highlanders, who immediately advanced to the crest of the hill and opened their fire which forced the Russian cavalry to give way and turn to their left, after which they made an attempt to turn the right flank of the 93d, having observed the flight of the Turks who were placed there, upon which the Grenadiers of the 93d, under Captain Ross, were wheeled up to the their right and fired on the enemy, which manoeuver completely discomfited them.
During the rest of the day the troops under my command received no further molestation from the Russians. I beg to call Lord Raglan's attention to the gallantry and eagerness of the 93d Highlanders under Lieutenant Colonel Ainslie, of which his Lordship was an eye-witness; as well as the admirable conduct of Captain Barker of the field-battery under his orders, who made most excellent practice against the Russian cavalry and artillery while within range.
I have, &c., COLIN CAMPBELL,
Brigadier-General Estcourt, Adjutant-General.
[Transcribed by Mark Conrad, 2003.]