(A notice printed in Russkii
Invalid, No. 82, 9 April 1854.)
Tula Weapons for
The administration of the several arms
factories has the honor to hereby announce that it proposes to open in
St. Petersburg a Depot of various hunting arms and Officers pistols,
the product of Tula craftsmen, for sale at regular fixed prices, with full
guarantee by the factory administration.
The items to be sold will include:
single-barreled and double-barreled muskets, rifles, various types of pistols,
powder flasks, ramrods, all metal hunting accessories, and Infantry and Cavalry
pistols of Gentlemen Officers, of the HIGHEST confirmed pattern,
with all their
In addition, orders will be accepted
for making any kind of weapon, and will be filled with care in the shortest
possible time.
Every musket, rifle, and pistol for
sale will have a price attached to it, and the warranty of the factory
administration in regard to quality.
This Depot is being established in
Skosyrevs store for officers items on Vladimirskaya Street, in
the Timoshenko building.