Captain (later Major) Pavel Vlasovich
During his service he was in campaigns and in affairs against the enemy.
He was performing a majors duty in putting brigades in order for the
commander-in-chief in Georgia, Prince Tsetsiyanov, when Persian forces appeared,
and from 12 July to 2 August 1805 he was in Karabat to pursue them across
the Araks River. On 30 October 1806, at the orders of higher headquarters,
he was sent to Poltava Province for the conscription of 9000 men, these having
attached to them recruits from the conscription in the Kharkov Host of the
Don territory. After uniforming these men and training them like soldiers
he sent them across the border to the Army in Moldavia, where he himself
went with the last 1000 men and an escort detachment, not losing a single
man over such a long distance. For this excellent execution of his orders
he was ALL MERCIFULLY awarded the
MONARCHS gratitude along with a jeweled ring.
Translated by Mark Conrad, 2002.