1848 Regulations for Reserve and Replacement Cadres

(From Vos’moe Prodolzhenie Svoda Voennykh Postanovlenii, Part I, Book II, Appendix to Article 1438,  pg.103. This is the 8th supplement to the 1838 compilation of  Russian military regulations, covering new directives and changes from 1847 to 1849. This particular 1848 regulation foresees infantry and cavalry regiments having extra reserve and replacement battalions/squadrons that are not located with the active battalions. These reserve and replacement units would be only contain a skeleton cadre. In case of war or training exercises, the these units would be filled with men coming off  "indefinite leave," i.e. long-service men allowed to return to civilian life.  The reserve and replacement cadres would almost always be located in the eastern part of European Russia, far from the western border where military operations would be most likely. Men on indefinite leave who resided in the western part of European Russia would not be called up into reserve or replacement units, but rather directly join active units. The distinction between "Reserve" ["Rezervnyi"] and "Replacement" ["Zapasnyi"] was not hard and fast, since both had training missions. However, Reserve units could actually take the field, while Replacement units would not.  - M.C.)

Regulation on Establishing Reserve and Replacement Cadres.

[Polozhenie ob uchrezhdenii Rezervnykh i Zapasnykh Kadrov.]

1. For greater facility in forming reserve and replacement battalions for the Grenadier Corps and six infantry corps--as well as squadrons of army cavalry--when men on leave are called up for either active service or annual training exercises, there are to be established special permanent detachments, one for each battalion and squadron. They are to be called Reserve and Replacement Cadres of each regiment.

The following items of this appendix are based on this regulation of 1848, Dec. 18 ( Polnoe Sobranie Zakonov No. 22840).

2. Cadres are not to be formed for:

a) Reserve and replacement units of the Guards Corps.
b) Replacement sapper battalions.
c) Reserve and replacement artillery batteries.

Men on leave who belong to these units, or who are assigned to reinforcing the reduced peacetime ranks of the active forces, are to be mustered, either for service or for annual training exercises, on the basis of the applicable existing rules, in accordance with the permanent distribution list of Replacement forces among the provinces.

d) Reserve and replacement squadrons of the 7th Light Cavalry Division.

To these squadrons are assigned men on leave in the provinces designated in the accompanying table. They are mustered together in Pavlovsk at the barracks of the Model Cavalry Regiment. Their stores of uniforms and weapons are kept in St. Petersburg.

3. The cadres being established are to consist of:

                                                                                                  Infantry:                                  Cavalry:
                                                                                       In one        Total in all                 In one         Total in all
                                                                                       cadre.          cadres.                    cadre            cadres.

Company-grade officers to command the cadres . .             1.                168.                      1.                   96.
Non-commissioned officers . . . . . . . . . . . .                        4.                 672.                      2.                 192.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  1.                 168.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                16.               2688.                      8.                 768.


4. The officers chosen for these cadres are not to be less than staff-captains, fully qualified to command companies and squadrons. The lower ranks to be assigned must be most reliable, have served not less than 10 years, but still not be eligible for release on indefinite leave, and for the most part combine a complete knowledge of drill with the skills of master boot cobblers or tailors. The selection of these officers and lower ranks is the responsibility of unit commanders.

5. The established cadres, in accordance with the accompanying table of reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons by province, are to be quartered in the following places:


In Moscow - 4 reserve and 4 replacement cadres of the 1st Grenadier Division and 12 reserve cadres of the 2nd Infantry Corps, making a total of 20 cadres:
Company-grade officers . . . . . . 20.
Non-commissioned officers . .. . 80.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320.

In Nizhnii-Novgorod - 4 reserve and 4 replacement cadres of the 2nd Grenadier Division and 12 reserve cadres of the 3rd Infantry Corps, making a total of 20 cadres:
Company-grade officers . . . . . . 20.
Non-commissioned officers. . . . 80.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320.

In Orel - 4 replacement cadres of the 3rd Grenadier Division and 12 reserve cadres of the 5th Infantry Corps, making a total of 16 cadres:
Company-grade officers . . . . . . 16.
Non-commissioned officer . . . . 64.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256.

In Yaroslavl - 12 reserve and 12 replacement cadres of 1st Infantry Corps, making a total of 24 cadres:
Company-grade officers . . . .. . 24.
Non-commissioned officers .. . . 96.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384.

In Tula - 12 reserve cadres of 4th Infantry Corps:
Company-grade officers . . . . .. 12.
Non-commissioned officers . . . 48.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.

In Voronezh - 12 replacement cadres of 5th Infantry Corps:
Company-grade officers . . . . . 12.
Non-commissioned officers . . .48.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.

In Kiev - 4 reserve cadres of the 3rd Grenadier Division:
Company-grade officers . . . .. . 4.
Non-commissioned officers . . 16.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64.

In Vyatka - 12 replacement cadres of the 2nd Infantry Corps:
Company-grade officers . . . . . 12.
Non-commissioned officer. . .  48.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.

In Perm - 12 reserve cadres of the 6th Infantry Corps:
Company-grade officers . . . . . 12.
Non-commissioned officers .  . 48.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   12.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.

In Ufa - 12 replacement cadres of 6th Infantry Corps:
Company-grade officers . . . . . 12.
Non-commissioned officers. . . 48.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.

In Kazan - 12 replacement cadres of the 3rd Infantry Corps:
Company-grade officers . . . . . 12.
Non-commissioned officers . . . 8.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.

In Penza - 12 replacement cadres of the 4th Infantry Corps:
Company-grade officers  . . . . 12.
Non-commissioned officers . . 48.
Drummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.



In Moscow - 4 reserve and 4 replacement cadres of the 6th Light Cavalry Division, making a total of 8 cadres:
Company-grade officers . . . . . . 8.
Non-commissioned officers . . . 16.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64.

In Brest-Litovsk - 4 reserve cadres of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division:
Company-grade officers . . . . . . 4.
Non-commissioned officers . . . 8.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.

In the Districts of the Ukraine Military Settlement - reserve and replacement cadres of the 1st Light Cavalry Division and 1st and 3rd Reserve Cavalry Corps, making a total of 40 cadres:
Company-grade officers . . . . . . 40.
Non-commissioned officers . .. . 80.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320.

In the first 8 Districts of the New Russia Military Settlement - replacement cadres of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division and reserve and replacement cadres of the 3rd and 4th Light Cavalry Divisions and 2nd Reserve Cavalry Corps, making a total of 36 cadres:
Company-grade officers . . . . . . 36.
Non-commissioned officers. . . . 72.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288.

In the last 8 Districts of the New Russia Military Settlement - reserve and replacement cadres of the 5th Light Cavalry Division, making a total of 8 cadres:
Company-grade officers . . . . . 8.
Non-commissioned officers . .16.
Privates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64. 

6. Stores of uniforms and weapons for the reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons to which the cadres belong are placed at the points named in the table of cadre locations.


7. To form 88 of the cadres for reserve and replacement army squadrons, there are to detached from each of the indicated regiments:




In the 6th Light Cavalry Division: for the 16 cadres of the 1st and 6th Light Cavalry Division, each regiment is to provide 4 company-grade officers, 8 non-commissioned officers, and 32 privates, totalling . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
















In the 1st Reserve Cavalry Corps: for the 32 cadres of the 1st and 3rd Reserve Cavalry Corps, each regiment is to also provide 4 company-grade officers, 8 non-commissioned officers, and 32 privates, totalling . . . . . . . . . .
















In the 2nd Reserve Cavalry Corps: for the 40 cadres of this corps and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Light Cavalry Divisions, each regiment is to provide 5 company-grade officers, 10 non-commissioned officers, and 40 privates, totalling .
















Total . . . . . . . . . . . .





8. Reserve and replacement cadres of the 6th Light Cavalry Division and reserve cadres of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division, once formed, are to take over their squadrons’ stores of uniforms and weapons kept in the military settlement districts and move with it to the places indicated in Item 5 of this regulation, namely: for the former - to Moscow, and the latter - to Brest-Litovsk. When they arrive at these places, the cadres are to be attached to the gendarme double-squadron in Moscow and the gendarme detachment in Brest-Litovsk. If, however, there are active cavalry troops stationed in those places, then the cadres are to be attached to them.

Reserve and replacement cadres of the 5th Light Cavalry Division, after being formed, are to be stationed in the last 4 districts of the New Russia Military Settlement, with the regiments of this division.

All other cavalry cadres are to remain in military settlement districts with those regiments of the 6th Light Cavalry Division and the 1st and 2nd Reserve Cavalry Corps that will be at the places where reserve and replacement squadrons’ stores of uniforms and weapons are established.

9. Officers and lower ranks assigned to cadres are to be carried on the rolls of the reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons of which they form the cadre. Officers will preserve their promotion seniority in the regiment to which their cadre belongs.

10. Officers and lower ranks of cadres are prescribed the uniform and all regulation pay and allowances of their reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons. Lower ranks who become part of a cavalry cadre that is stationed with a regiment in a military settlement district are to be issued rations on the same basis as that regiment.

11. Losses in cadres are to be filled through direction by the Inspector Department of the War Ministry, from the nearest regiments, by assigning very reliable officers and lower ranks, with unit commanders being held responsible, and with the men being transferred to those units which the cadres are part of.

12. The management of all cadres stationed at each location is to be entrusted to one field-grade officer, who will have the administrative powers of a regimental commander.

The high command of the replacement forces is encharged to select 17 reliable field-grade officers: for managing the cadres of the 3 grenadier divisions in Kiev and the cavalry cadres in Moscow, Brest-Litovsk, and the 4 last districts of the New Russia Military Settlement - from those officers commanding replacement battalions and reserve double-squadrons; for managing the remaining cadres in Moscow and the other 12 locations - from those commanding reserve brigades.

13. These field-grade officers will receive pay according to rank. They will receive the subsistence allowances prescribed for their indicated duties - at the full rate during musters of men on leave, and at half rate during other times.

14. These field-grade officers manage the uniforms and weapons stores of those reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons whose cadres are subordinate to them. In addition, cavalry field-grade officers are responsible for uniforms and weapons stores of replacement horse-artillery batteries that are kept in the same place as those for the cavalry. In general, in managing these stores, they have those duties and responsibilities which are set forth regarding this subject in the appendix to Art. 1506, Item 44 (appended to Supplement IV of Compilation of Military Decrees), for commanders of combined reserve brigades and other personnel who up to now have been managing the indicated stores.

15. Field-grade officers managing cadres must:

1) Submit to the Inspection Department of the War Ministry monthly reports on the status of the cadres, using the established form.
2) Draw from the appropriate source pay and other supplies for the cadres, and -
3) Submit to the appropriate place indent lists received from cadre Commanders asking for the issue of authorized replacements for items kept in the stores, as well as of materials for making items in the stores, all to make good items that have exceeded their wearout time and are unfit for further use, or for outfitting lower ranks called into service.

They likewise must submit the established accounts for supplies and finance, and for this they are supplied by the War Ministry’s finance and supply Departments with detailed information on what they must account for and whom they are to ask for this information, and in what format and at what intervals they are to present their accounts.

16. To give these field-grade officers the means to carry out these duties, each of them is assigned:

Company-grade officers, no higher
in rank than lieutenant, in the positions
of adjutant and paymaster, 1 each . . . . . . . .17.
Clerks, 2 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.
Arms inspector, 1 each  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.
Medic, 1 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.

Each field-grade officer managing cadres is prescribed for chacellery expenditures: for infantry cadres - 28 roubles, 50 kopecks; and for cavalry cadres - 20 roubles, totaling 442 silver roubles per year.

17. The indicated company-grade officers, clerks, and medics are to be enrolled in those reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons whose cadres they are assigned to. They are prescribed the uniforms and all pay and benefits authorized for those units.

Arms inspectors [brakovshchiki] are to be assigned to weapons stores on the same basis as set down for them at arms factories, arsenals, and other artillery establishments.

18. Company-grade officers assigned to command cadres will administer them with the powers authorized for company and squadron commanders, and will keep inventory on the stores of their reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons in accordance with the rules laid down for commanders of separate battalions and squadrons.

19. Each of these officers is authorized one clerk and 10 silver roubles a year for chancellery expenditures. These clerks are enrolled in the reserve and replacement units on the same basis as set forth in Item 17 above.

18. In order to keep in order cadres and the stores of uniforms and weapons belonging to reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons, the field-grade officers managing these have assigned to them:


Barber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 for every 4 cadres . . . . 42.
Gunstock craftsman . . . . . . . . 1 for every 2 cadres . . . . 84.
Armorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1 for every 2 cadres . . . . 84.
Blacksmith . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1 for every 4 cadres . . . . 42.
Carpenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 for every 4 cadres . . .   42.
Supply train:
   Non-commissioned officer .  1 for every 4 cadres . . .  42.
Private . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . 1 for every 2 cadres . . . . 84.

21. These lower ranks are considered as on detached duty from the authorized strength of non-combatants in those regiments to which the reserve and replacement battalion cadres belong. They are evenly distributed among the regiments of each grenadier division and each infantry corps, and receive uniforms and all pay and provisions according to the authorized tables for their regiments.

22. When necessary, reserve and replacement squadron cadres stationed with cavalry units will use the non-combatant personnel of these units, at the discretion of their commanders.

23. Reserve and replacement cadres, at the orders of their field-grade officers, will be used for safeguarding the stores and for keeping them always in good condition.

24. Apart from this, reserve and replacement battalion cadres, in the places where they are located, will, except during times when men on leave are called up, always carry out all the duties of garrison service, taking their turn with other troops forming the garrisons in these places. In this regard they are subordinate to the Commandant or anyone acting in his place.

25. Cavalry cadres located in military settlement districts, in the case of uniforms and weapons stores belonging to reserve and replacement squadrons being moved from the districts to Chuguev, Yelisavetgrad, and Voznesensk, will take turns to be sent to those places to safeguard the stores. In these towns, lower ranks are to be provisioned just as authorized for the troops performing guard duties there.

26. Field-grade officers managing cadres are directly responsible for these cadres always being in excellent condition, in matters of drill as well as administratively.

27. Cavalry cadres which will be located with army cavalry regiments are to be subordinate, in matters of drill and military skills, to the commanders of these regiments, who will be held responsible in this regard. These cadres will perform all the duties of military service in these regiments; they will drill according to their branch of arms; in mounted order they will go out on horses belonging to the regiments.

28. During the annual musters of men on leave belonging to reserve battalions of the Grenadier Corps and six infantry corps, replacement battalions of the 3rd Grenadier Division and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Infantry Corps, reserve and replacement squadrons of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reserve Cavalry Corps and the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Light Cavalry Divisions, and replacement squadrons of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division, these men being called up will gather together at the cadres of their battalions and squadrons.

They will be supplied with uniform clothing and weapons from the stores located at their mustering points, at the orders of the field-grade officers managing the cadres.

29. Men on leave who belong to reserve squadrons of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division are to muster for training exercises at one of the cavalry divisions which are nearest to Brest-Litovsk. This is also where cadres from Brest are to go with stores of uniforms and weapons, in accordance with directions from the Commissariat Department of the War Ministry.

30. Men on leave who belong to replacement battalions of the 1st and 2nd Grenadier Divisions, or of the 1st Infantry Corps, are to muster for training exercises with the nearest cadres of other replacement battalions or with the nearest garrison or line battalions.

They will receive uniform clothing and weapons at the places where they muster together, from what is available in the garrison and line battalions due to their being understrength and from sick personnel. Items which are lacking are to be made in these battalions using materials and funds issued by the Commissariat according to regulations, and when the men are dispersed, the items are to be reckoned against the needs of these battalions. Shortages in weapons are to be made good from the nearest stores. At these battalions there is to be kept, in accordance with directions from the Commissariat Department, worn-out accouterments for use in training exercises.

31. In the future, when men on leave who belong to reserve and replacment battalions and squadrons are called into active service, they are all without exception to muster together with their cadres. Reserve cadres of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division, with stores of uniforms and weapons under their care which belong to the that division’s reserve squadrons, according to direction from the Commissariat Department, are to travel at the designated muster time from Brest-Litovsk to that cavalry division at which are being gathered the men on leave who belong to the mentioned squadrons.

32. After orders are received in this regard, field-grade officers commanding cadres are to immediately arrange for needed items to be made by the cadres’ lower ranks, aided by garrison battalions and other troops.

33. As men on leave are mustered, these field-grade officers are without fail to first form reserve units and then replacement units, assigning to them the cadres which belong to them. As assigned by the higher command of replacement forces, they are to take command of one of the formed units which corresponds to their rank, and are to manage the other units until the arrival of the field-grade officers who will be named to command them.

34. When the order is received to disband reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons, they are to move to the points named in this regulation where their stores of uniforms and weapons are. There they are to leave the full number of personnel prescribed for reserve and replacement cadres, observing the conditions set forth in Point 4 of this regulation. Upon dismissal, men released on leave are to be considered as belonging to those corps and divisions for which they are designated by the Table accompanying this regulation.

35. With the establishment of reserve and replacement cadres, in regiments during peacetime there are to be reductions in personnel additional to those prescribed by existing rules:

1) In each infantry and cavalry regiment belonging to organizations in which are established cadres - 2 staff-captains each, for the cadres of their reserve and replacement battalions and squadrons.
2) In each regiment of the 6th Infantry Corps - 300 privates in each, or 3600 privates total in the 12 regiments.
3) In each regiment:
                                                                      NCOs         Privates

5th and 6th Light Cavalry Divisions, each . . . . .  4              16.
1st Reserve Cavalry Corps and
         2nd Cuirassier Division, each . . . . . . . . . . 8              32.
2nd Lancer Division, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10             40.

36. When active cavalry units are quartered in those places where there are reserve and replacement cadres of the 6th Light Cavalry Divsion (Moscow) or reserve cadres of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division (Brest-Litovsk), these units are to have reduced strengths by that number of dismounted non-commissioned officers and privates which they will have with them in reserve and replacement cadres.

37. When regiments are ordered to be brought up to strength, the lower ranks which are absent in order to form cadres are to be made up by: in regiments of the 6th Infantry Corps — by recruits, and in cavalry regiments — by lower ranks on leave who are in the places nearest to where the regiments are quartered.

They are to be supplied with uniforms and accouterments from reserve stores, which in turn are to be made good by now including the uniforms and accouterments in the possession of the men in the reserve and replacement cadres.

Note. To avoid rejection of defective items and excessive requisitions, it is directed: that during the formation of reserve and replacement units, as well as during call-ups into active service of men on leave, records are to be made on the spot, noting the degree of quality of the made-up clothing and accouterments. The records are to show exactly what requires changes and why. These records are to be compiled over the signatures of the commanders of the forces being either formed or disbanded, and over those of Commissariat officials, and are to be sent to the Commissariat Department. Copies of these are to go to the higher commanders. With this it is prohibited to make any excessive demand for rework or repair of items that is not supported by the records.

1848, Oct. 30 (22681), Point 12.

Table of provinces whose residents are assigned to reserve and replacement units, and of provinces for disbanding these units, recalling them back into active service, and annual training exercises. 

Reserve and replacement units for which cadres are being established.

Exactly where these cadres are to be with the stores of uniforms and weapons for reserve and replacement units.

 Provinces in which men on leave belong to the reserve and replacement units.

 Provinces in which residents are assigned to the reserve and replacement units.
[This refers to new recruits. -- M.C.]

Reserve battalions of the Grenadier Corps:


The 4 battalions of the 1st Grenadier Division.

In Moscow.



The same provinces.


The 4 battalions of the 2nd Grenadier Division.

In Nizhnii-

Nizhnii-Novgorod. Penza.


The same provinces.

The 4 battalions of the 3rd Grenadier Division.

In Kiev.



(Natives of Tula, Orel, Kursk, Tambov, Kharkov, and Voronezh provinces are assigned to the replacement battalions of the 3rd Grenadier Division.)

[Reserve battalions of infantry corps: - M.C.]


The 12 battalions of the 1st Infantry Corps.

In Yaroslavl.



The same provinces.


The 12 battalions of the 2nd Infantry Corps.

In Moscow.



(Natives of Nizhnii-Novgorod and Penza provinces are assigned to the reserve battalions of the 3rd Infantry Corps.)

The 12 battalions of the 3rd Infantry Corps.

In Nizhnii-Novgorod.



(Natives of Ryazan Province are assigned to the reserve battalions of the 2nd Corps, and natives of Tula and Kaluga provinces to the reserve battalions of the 4th Infantry Corps.)

The 12 battalions of the 4th Infantry Corps.

In Tula.




(Natives of Kursk and Orel provinces are assigned to the reserve battalions of the 5th Infantry Corps.)

The 12 battalions of the 5th Infantry Corps.

In Orel.






(Natives of Tambov Province are assigned to the reserve battalion of the 4th Infantry Corps, and of Voronezh and Kharkov provinces — to the replacement battalions of the 5th Infantry Corps.)

The 12 battalions of the 6th Infantry Corps.

In Perm.


The same province.

Replacement battalions of the Grenadier Corps:


The 4 battalions of the 1st Grenadier Division.

In Moscow.



The same provinces.

The 4 battalions of the 2nd Grenadier Division.

In Nizhnii-Novgorod.



The same provinces.

The 4 battalions of the 3rd Grenadier Division.

In Orel.

Taurica. Yekaterinoslav.

Kharkov. Voronezh.

(Natives of Chernigov, Kiev, Poltava, Podolia, Kherson, Taurica, and Yekaterinoslav provinces are assigned to the reserve battalions of the 3rd Grenadier Division.)

[Replacement battalions of the infantry corps: - M.C.]


The 12 battalions of the 1st Infantry Corps.

In Yaroslavl.



The same provinces.


The 12 battalions of the 2nd Infantry Corps.

In Vyatka.


The same province.

The 12 battalions of the 3rd Infantry Corps.

In Kazan.

Simbirsk. (From two districts.)

The same provinces.


The 12 battalions of the 4th Infantry Corps.

In Penza.


Simbirsk, except for two districts.

(Natives of Moscow Province are assigned to the reserve battalions of the 2nd Corps.)

The 12 battalions of the 5th Infantry Corps.

In Voronezh.

Simbirsk, except for two districts.


(Natives of 8 districts of the Simbirsk Province and the entire Saratov Province are assigned to the replacement battalions of the 4th Corps.)

The 12 battalions of the 6th Infantry Corps.

In Ufa.


The same province.

Reserve and Replacement Squadrons:




For reserve squadons:


The 4 reserve and 4 replacement squadons of the 1st Light Cavalry Division.

In the districts of the Ukraine Military Settlement.

Novgorod, except for 3 districts.




For replacement squadrons:



(Natives of St.-Petersburg, Pskov, Novgorod, Estonia, and Tver provinces are assigned to reserve and replacement squadrons of the 7th Light Cavalry Division.)

The 4 reserve squadrons of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division.

In Brest-Litovsk.


Kingdom of Poland.

(Natives of Kiev Province are assigned to filling reduced personnel strengths in all army cavalry regiments.)

The 4 replacement squadrons of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division.

In the first 8 districts of the New Russia Military Settlement.


The same province.

The 4 reserve and 4 replacement squadrons of the 3rd Light Cavalry Division.


"     "

In reserve squadrons:

In replacement squadrons:

    The same province.


"      "

The 4 reserve and 4 replacement squadrons of the 4th Light Cavalry Division.


"     "

In reserve squadrons:

In replacement squadrons:

  The same provinces.


The same province.

The 4 reserve and 4 replacement squadrons of the 5th Light Cavalry Division.

In the last 4 districts of the New Russia Military Settlement. In reserve squadrons:

In replacement squadrons:

The same provinces.


"          "

The 4 reserve and 4 replacement squadrons of the 6th Light Cavalry Division.

In Moscow. In reserve squadrons:

In replacement squadrons:

In reserve squadrons:

In replacement squadrons:

(Natives of Kursk Province are assigned to the reserve and replacement squadrons of the 1st Light Cavalry Division.)

The 4 reserve and 4 replacement squadrons of the 7th Light Cavalry Division.

In St. Petersburg.

(There are no cadres prescribed for this place.)

In reserve squadrons:

In replacement squadrons:

In reserve squadrons: St. Petersburg.
Novgorod, except for
   3 districts.

In replacement squadrons:

(Natives of Tula, Kaluga, Moscow, and Smolensk provinces are assigned to the reserve and replacement squadrons of the 6th Light Cavalry Division.)

1st Reserve Cavalry Corps:


In the 8 reserve and 8 replacement squadrons of the 1st Cuirassier and 1st Lancer Divisions.

In the districts of the Ukraine Military Settlement. In reserve squadrons:

In replacement squadrons:

   The same province.


"         "

2nd Reserve Cavalry Corps:


In the 8 reserve and 8 replacement squadrons of the 2nd Cuirassier and 2nd Lancer Divisions.

In the first 8 districts of the New Russia Military Settlement. In reserve squadrons:

In replacement squadrons:

The same province.


"    "

3rd Reserve Cavalry Corps:


In the 8 reserve and 8 replacement squadrons of the 1st and 2nd Dragoon Divisions.

In the districts of the Ukraine Military Settlement. In reserve squadrons:

In replacement squadrons:

The same provinces.


The same province.


Translated by Mark Conrad, 1998.